The Complete Guide to Pull-Ups

Pull-ups target the back, biceps, and shoulders. This bodyweight exercise involves pulling your body up to a bar, enhancing upper body strength and endurance.

Equipment Needed

  • Pull-up bar.

General Form Cues

  • Starting Position:

    • Grasp the bar with hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing away.
    • Hang with arms extended, legs straight or crossed, and core engaged.
    • Avoid: Shrugging shoulders towards your ears.
  • Pulling Phase:

    • Pull your body up until your chin is above the bar, keeping elbows close.
    • Avoid: Swinging legs or using momentum.
  • Lowering Phase:

    • Slowly lower your body, fully extending your arms.
    • Avoid: Dropping quickly; maintain control.

    Video Demonstration

Pull-Ups Beginner Progressions:

Pull-Ups Advanced Progressions:

  • Weighted Pull-Ups: Add weight for increased intensity.
  • L-Sit Pull-Ups: Hold legs straight out in front for more core engagement.
  • Muscle-Ups: Combine a pull-up and a dip by pulling above the bar. Also part of the muscle up skill progression.

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